Yrkesnämnden för film & tv

About Yrkesnämnden för film och tv

The professional board for film & television consists of the labor market partners and key industry players in collaboration. The association works for the industry's skills supply by promoting vocational training, skills development and merit-based recruitment in film and television.

The qualifications that are included in the professional certificates developed at the initiative of the industry and based on a stated need to ensure quality and formalize recruitment as well as to establish structured induction programs and workbased learning in film and tv. The qualifications have been developed in close collaboration with the central players in the industry as well as professional experts from various professions within full-scale film and television production.


The PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE FILM TV BASICS contains industry-general, but strategically important, qualifications that are needed in order to work professionally within the Swedish film and television industry. The vocational certificate's nine basic modules can be supplemented with modules to register different types of occupation-specific or task-related competence.

EDUCATIONAL PROVIDERS can offer vocational certificates to ensure the quality of course content based on the demands and expectations of the industry.

EMPLOYERS can request the certificate to ensure quality recruitment in entry-level positions.

PROFESSIONALS with several years of experience can be offered a simplified industry validation by presenting references and documentation of previous assignments.